Annex B
Types and Symbols

This annex clarifies the existing data types of specification on DSSSL.

B.1 Expression Language

DSSSL expressions have the follwing data types:

  • boolean: logic-type

    This type specifies true or false. The value is either #t or #f. This type is used in conditional expressions. #f means false, #t means true, other objects except #t and #f mean true. (See 8.2.2 True and False, and 8.5.1 Booleans.)

    e.g., ((if eqaul wordflag #t) x y)

  • symbol: symbol-type

    The symbol identifies strings for optional semantics. The value is used for specification of DSSSL script as parameters. In an expression, the symbol requires a single quotation (') before the string of symbol. (See 8.5.4 Symbols.)

    e.g., (font-weight: 'bold)

  • keyword: keyword-type

    The keyword specifies names of keyword strings. This type is used for specificaton of a DSSSL script as constant and invariable parameters. In an expression, the keyword requires a single colon (:) after the strings of keywords and some keyword arguments. (See 8.5.5 Keywords.)

    e.g., (font-weight: 'bold)

  • char: character-type

    The char specifies characters and names of characters. In an expression, the char requires a single sharp (#) and backslash (\) before the character or the name of character. (See 8.5.8 Characters.)

    • #\A: character 'A'
    • #\space: spacing 'empty charcter'
    • #\(: open circle paretheses '('

  • pair: pair-type

    The pair is constructed with two arguments. A list is constructed with head part and other part of a pair; the head part is called car, other part is called cdr.

    A pair is converted from a list. When a list is converted from a pair, DSSSL processor should generate an empty list as a tail of the list. The empty list is known as ().

    e.g., (glyph-subset-table (list (cons glyph1 glyph2)))

    DSSSL expressions have the following numerical types:

  • quantity: qauntity-type
  • number: number-type
  • real: real-number-type
  • integer: integer-number-type

    A quantity-type is represented as the product of a number and the base unit raised to the power of an integer-type. A number-type is the quantity-type without dimension. A real-number-type is a subtype of the number-type. An integer-type is a subtype of the real-number-type and integer-number-type. The quantity-type has both concepts of exactness and inexactness. An inexactness of the quantity-type is used for a large size of numerical object to be printed or displayed.

    e.g., (even? tapesize)

  • string: string-type

    A string-type is similar to a string-type of other programming languages. The string-type is enclosed with double quotation (").

    e.g., (string=? headstr "Contents")

  • procedure: procedure-type

    A procedure-type is a name of procedure treated as an object in DSSSL.

    e.g., (apply (format-number stringsizes))

  • language: laguage-type
    e.g., (with-language french (spellchaeck-french))


  • node-list: node-list-type

    A node-list is the most basic type of SDQL to specify node lists of grove. A single node should be specified by node-list as a single node list. In DSSSL transformation, this data type with flag specifies and discriminates the result node-list. (See 10 Standard Document Query Language and 10.1.2 Node Lists.)

    e.g., (node-list-first firstpage)

  • named-node-list: node-list-with-name-type

    A named-node-list specifies node lists with name in a grove tree. (See 10 Standard Document Query Language and 10.1.3 Named Node Lists.)

    e.g., (named-node column1 page-top)

B.3 Transformation Language

  • subgrove-spec: sub-grove-specification-type

    A subgrove-spec specifies a sub-grove. All the sub-grove can be specified by specifying the root of the sub-grove.

    e.g., (subgrove-spec node | subgrove | class add null remove children | sublabel sort-children)

  • create-spec: create-specification-type
    • (create-root obj sg)
    • (create-sub snl sg property label unique)
    • (create-proc snl sg label result-path optional unique)
    • (create-follow snl sg label result-path optional unique)

  • result-node-list: result-node-list-type
    e.g., (select-by-relation rnl i proc)

  • transform-grove-spec : transform-grove-specification-type

    Transform-grove-spec specifies information of a grove tranformation.

    e.g., (transform-grove snl obj ...) (select-grove nl obj)

  • transliteration-map : transliteration-map-type
    e.g., (define-transliteration-map variable transliteration-entry)

B.4 Style Language

  • sosofo: sosofo-type

    A flow object class of DSSSL generates a specification of sequence of flow object(sosofo) as the result of execution.

    e.g., (element p (make paragraph))

  • style : style type
    e.g., (make paragraph style: emphasizing-style)

  • generated-object : genarated object type
    e.g., (asis-indirect-sosofo (column-number))

  • length : length type
    e.g., rapage-height: 15in

  • decoration-area : decoration area type
    (make external-graphic entity-system-id: "sample.gif"
    (decoration-area "graphics sample"
    placement-point-x: 50
    placement-point-y: 250

  • display-space : display space type
    e.g., space-before: (display-space 15pt max: 45pt priority: 1)

  • inline-space : inline space type
    e.g., escapement-space-before: (inline-space 15pt max:45pt)

  • glyph-id : glyph identifier type
    e.g., (glyph-subst gst-eng glyph-aacute)

  • glyph-subst-table : glyph substitution table type
    e.g., (make character glyph-id: eacute glyph-subst-table: gst-eng)

  • address : address type
    e.g., (make link destination: chapter-2)

  • color-space : color space type
    (color-space string arg ...)
    e.g., (color-space "ISO/IEC 10179:1996//Color-Space Family::Device RGB")

  • color : color type
    (color color-space arg ...)
    e.g., (define *rgb-color-space*
    "ISO/IEC 10179:1996//Color-Space Family::Device RGB"))
    (define *midnight-blue* (color *rgb-color-space* 0.0 0.0 0.5))
    (make paragraph color: *midnight-blue*)

  • page-model : page-model type
    (define-page-model page-model-name [[region+ | width | height | filling | decoration]])
    e.g., (region [[x | y | width | height | decoration* | filling | header | footer | flow-map?]])

  • column-set-model : column-set-model type
    (define-column-set-model variable [[column-subset* | fill-out? | tied-column-subset* | filling-direction? | width? | height? | decoration*]]) (column-subset [[column+ | flow-map | top-float-space-below? | bottom-float-space-above? | balance? |justify? | justify-limit? | justify-last-limit? | length-deviation? | length-decrease-order? | align-lines?]]) (column [[width? | height? | x-origin? | y-origin? | footnote-separator? | header? | footer?]])