ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0755

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | Attendance list for May/June 2006 Meeting - Seoul, Korea |
SOURCE: | SC34 Secretariat |
STATUS: | Attendance list |
ACTION: | For information |
DATE: | 2006-06-01 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
Mr. Robert Barta Austrian Standardisation Institute (OeNorm) Faculty of Information Technology, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4229, AUSTRALIA Telephone: +61 7 5595 3304 Facsimile: +61 7 5595 3320 Email userid: rho Email subdomain: Email top domain: au Dr. Alexander D. J. Brown Griffin Brown Digital Publishing Ltd. Orwell House, Cowley Road, Cambridge UK CB4 OPP Email userid: alexb Email subdomain: Email top domain: uk Mr. Martin Bryan IS-Thought 29, Oldbury Orchard, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2PU, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 1452 714 029 Facsimile: +44 1452 714 029 Email userid: martin Email subdomain: Email top domain: uk Mr. Kyung Soo Chae Korean Agency for Technology and Standards 2, Jungang-Dong, , Gwacheon, Gyonggi-Do, , Republic of Korea, 427-716 Telephone: +82 2 5097273 Facsimile: +82 2 5071924 Email userid: kschae Email subdomain: ats.go Email top domain: kr Hyun Jung Choi INEK Mr. James Bryce Clark OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) 630 Boston Road, M102, Billerica, Massachusetts 01821, United States Telephone: +1 978 667 5115 x203 Facsimile: +1 978 667 5115 x203 Email userid: jamie.clark Email subdomain: oasis-open Email top domain: org Mr. Patrick Durusau Snowfall Software 2149 Conyers Street SE, Covington, GA 30014 Telephone: +1 678 625 0995 Email userid: Patrick Email subdomain: durusau Email top domain: net Mr. Lars Marius Garshol Ontopia AS Waldemar Thranes gate 98b, NO-0175 Oslo, Norway Telephone: +47 23 23 30 80 Facsimile: +47 23 23 30 81 Email userid: larsga Email subdomain: ontopia Email top domain: net Mr. G. Ken Holman Crane Softwrights Ltd. 1605 Mardick Court, Box 266, Kars, Ontario K0A-2E0, Canada Telephone: +1 613 489 0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489 0995 Email userid: jtc1sc34 Email subdomain: scc Email top domain: ca Mr. Gabriel Hopmans Morpheus Software Postbus 240, 6200 AE Maastricht Telephone: +31 43 388-5831 Facsimile: +31 43 388-5889 Email userid: g.hopmans Email subdomain: mssm Email top domain: nl Mr. Rick Jelliffe topologi Level 2, 73 Union St., Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia Telephone: +61 2 9660 8866 Facsimile: +61 2 9660 8869 Email userid: rjelliffe Email subdomain: Email top domain: au Euisuk Jeong KADO (Korea Agency Digital Opportunity & Promotion) 645-11, Deungchon-1 Dong,, Gangseo-gu, Seoul,, 157-715, Korea Telephone: +82-2-3660-2692 Facsimile: +82-2-3660-2659 Eunhwan Jung Frotoma Co., Ltd. #106 Business Incubator,, Dongyang Univ. 62-160,, Kochuk-dong, Kuro-ku,, Seoul, Korea Telephone: +82-2-2688-0370 Facsimile: +82-2-2610-1975 Mr. Keisuke Kamimura Center for Global Communications (Glocom) International University of Japan Harks Roppongi Bldg. 2F, 6-15-21 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan Telephone: +81 3 5411 6696 Facsimile: +81 3 5412 7111 Email userid: kmmr Email subdomain: Email top domain: jp Dr. Yushi Komachi Osaka Institute of Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Technology 1-79-1 Kitayama, Hirakata, Osaka, 573-0196, Japan Telephone: +81 75 352 3547 Facsimile: +81 75 352 3548 Email userid: komachi Email subdomain: y-adagio Email top domain: com Prof. Jaeho Lee University of Seoul 90 Cheonnong-dong, Dongdaemun-ku, Seoul 130-743, Korea Telephone: +82 2 2210-2629 Facsimile: +82 2 2249-6802 Email userid: jaeho Email subdomain: Email top domain: kr Dr. Soon-Bum Lim Sookmyung Women's University Dept. of Multimedia Science, 53-12 Cungpa-dong 2 ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea Telephone: +82 2 710 9424 Facsimile: +82 2 710 9704 Email userid: sblim Email subdomain: Email top domain: kr Ms. Kyoungjin Min Korean Standards Association Korea Techonology Center, 701-7, Yeoksam-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 135-513 Telephone: +82 2 60094823 Facsimile: +82 2 60094839 Email userid: penko Email subdomain: kisi.or Email top domain: kr Mr. Graham Moore Networked Planet Ltd Oxford Innovation Centre, Mill Street, Oxford, OX2 0JX Telephone: +447769658611 Email userid: graham.moore Email subdomain: networkedplanet Email top domain: com Mr. MURATA Makoto [FAMILY Given] International University of Japan 2-19-26-404 Shukugawara, Tama-ku, , Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 214-0021, Japan Telephone: +1 81 44 934 8583 Facsimile: +1 81 44 934 8583 Email userid: eb2m-mrt Email subdomain: asahi-net.or Email top domain: jp Sung Hyon Myaeng ICU 119, Munjiro, Yuseong-gu,, 305-732, Daejeon, Korea Telephone: +82-42-866-6149 Mr. Motomu Naito Synergy Incubate Inc. ORITA BLDG.2F, 1-30-22, Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0063, Japan Telephone: +81 3 5478 9901 Facsimile: +81 3 5478 9801 Email userid: motom Email subdomain: Email top domain: jp Dr. Sam Gyun Oh Sungkyunkwan University Myungryun-Dong 3 Ga 53, Chongro-Gu Seoul 110-745 Korea Telephone: +82 11 9894 6683 Facsimile: +82 2 760-0326 Email userid: samoh21 Email subdomain: gmail Email top domain: com Mr. Steve Pepper Ontopia AS Waldemar Thranes gate 98, N-0175 Oslo, Norway Telephone: +47 23 23 30 80 Facsimile: +47 23 23 30 81 Email userid: pepper Email subdomain: ontopia Email top domain: net Dr. Lynne Price Text Structure Consulting, Inc. 17225 San Franciscan Drive, Castro Valley, CA 94552 Telephone: +1 510 583 1505 Facsimile: +1 510 583 1505 Email userid: lprice Email subdomain: txstruct Email top domain: com Mr. Keld Jørn Simonsen RAP Postboks 144, NO-1556 Son, Norway Telephone: +45 33 22 65 43 Facsimile: +45 33 25 65 43 Email userid: keld Email subdomain: rap Email top domain: no Mr. Jim Thatcher Microsoft Email userid: jim.thatcher Email subdomain: microsoft Email top domain: com Mr. Jan van den Beld Ecma International Email userid: jan Email subdomain: ecma-international Email top domain: org Mr. Rob Weir IBM 5 Technology Park Drive, Westford, MA 01886 Telephone: +1 978 399 7122 Facsimile: +1 978 399 6120 Email userid: robert_weir Email subdomain: Email top domain: com Dr. Jung-Jin Yang The Catholic University of Korea Yeouido Post Office,, P.O.Box 960,, 35-1 Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu,, Seoul, Korea Telephone: +82-2-2164-4377 Facsimile: +82-2-2164-4777 Email userid: jungjin Email subdomain: Email top domain: kr