ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0851

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | Disposition of Comments to JTC 1/SC 34 N 799 - Text for CD ballot for ISO/IEC 19757-7: Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL) Part 7 - Character Repertoire Description Language (CRDL) |
SOURCE: | Dr. MURATA Makoto [FAMILY Given] |
PROJECT: | CD 19757-7: Information technology - Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) - Part 7: Character Repertoire Description Language (CRDL) |
STATUS: | Disposition of comments |
ACTION: | For information |
DATE: | 2007-03-24 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
REFER TO: | N0799 - 2006-11-21 - Text for CD ballot for ISO/IEC
19757-7: Document Schema Definition Language
(DSDL) Part 7 - Character Repertoire Description Language (CRDL) N0818 - 2007-02-22 - Summary of Voting on JTC 1/SC 34 N 799 - Text for CD ballot for ISO/IEC 19757-7: Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL) Part 7 - Character Repertoire Description Language (CRDL) |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
Disposition of Comments to N818 Summary of Voting - Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL) - Part 7: Character Repertoire Description Language (CRDL) ISO/IEC JTC1 SC34 23 March 2006 1. Canada 1) ISO/IEC 10646 should be referenced normatively in ISO/IEC 19757-7 Accept in princple, but ISO/IEC 10646 is already listed as a normative reference in Clause 2. 2) The establishment of named collections should be done in consultation with ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC2 Accept. SC34 will send a liaison report to SC2 and request for review of the upcoming FCD. 3) Formally recognize ISO/IEC 10646 collections and collection names and ids and the Collection Registry as candidates for named collections Accept. The project editor is instructed to provide a mechanism for referencing to fixed collections of 10646. Furthermore, he is instructed to provide mechanisms for referencing to the IANA registry, the ISO/IEC 15897 cultural registry, and other registries. These mechanisms can specify either numbers or names (including aliases) of collections. 4) Formally recognize the IANA charset registry and the labels and collections derivable for each label as candidates for named collections. Accept. Reference to the IANA regsitry as a normative reference in Clause 2, but see the disposition of the second comment from Norway. 5) The IANA charset registry should be the source of collection labels and associated definitions instead of the referenced collections document from IANA. Accept in principle. However, Clause 8.7 is intended to allow charasets in the IANA charset registry already. 2. Japan 1) Drop grapheme clusters from the first version of this part since they make both standardization and implementations significantly harder. Accept. As a result, the phrase "grapheme cluster" should not be used in this standard. The project editor is instructed to add a note that this part of 19757 can handle combining characters but cannot detect impermissible combinations of base characters and combining characters (e.g., "b" followed by the accent character). Moreover, the upcoming FCD should provide a mechanism for normalization as a pre-processor. Users are allowed to specify which normalization algorithm, or no normalization (default), shall be applied, while implementations are allowed to skip normalization. "W3C Character model for the Wold-Wide Web 1.0 (funamentals)" and "Unicode Normalization Forms" (Unicode Standard Annex #15) shall be referenced informatively so that any of the normalizations from W3C and Unicode can be specified. 2) Introduce foreign elements and attributes using NVDL The project editor is instructed to provide two sets of schemas: one in RELAX NG and another using the combination of RELAX NG and NVDL. Both schemas are normative. No matter which of the two schemas is used, validation results are guaranteed to be the same. CRDL mplementors are not required to implement NVDL. 3. Norway 1) Please be consistent with terminology of ISO 10646 on repertoires Use "Repertoire" rather than "collection", because collections as defined in 10646 does not have kernel/hull and also because the name of this part is "Character Repertoire Description Language". The definition of "repertoire" in this part shall be consistent with (though not identical to) that in 10646. 2) References to non ISO or IEC standards need clearance. In response to other comments, references to W3C, Unicode, and IANA are mandatory. Moreover, several standards from SC34 already reference to W3C and Unicode normatively. However, the project editor is instructed to make sure if a normative reference to the IANA charset registry is allowed. 3) The ISO 10646 term "collection" does not include Unicode grapheme clusters. Accept. Drop grapheme clusters. 4) The term "character" is not the same in ISO 10646 and Unicode. Accept, we normatively reference to 10646 (but not Unicode) for the definition of characters. 5) We propose that terms that are used in this standard is based on other ISO standards. Accept in principle. Since grapheme clusters are dropped, the terms in this part of 19757 are expected to be consistent with other ISO standards. 6) That the regular expression definition varies from one Unicode version to another makes it difficult to use in an ISO standard. Unfortunately, SC34 is handling XML, which is based on Unicode. As a result, it is not possible to stop using Unicode regular expressions without dropping important features. Clause 8.2 is intended to ensure that implementations can report an error when they cannot use appropriate versions of Unicode. However, Clause 8.2 does not refer to maxUcsVersion but refers to minUcsVersion only. Clause 8.2 shall refer to maxUcsVersion. The project editor is instructed to reference to regular expressions of "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators" from W3C rather than XML Schema Part 2. However, the project editor is instructed to impose restrictions on regular expressions, as deemed necessarily.