ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0854

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | Default letter ballot due 2007-06-24: Resolution for JTC1/SC34 Category A Liaison with the XML Guild |
SOURCE: | SC34 Secretariat |
STATUS: | Default letter ballot |
ACTION: | National bodies, please file any objections to this ballot with the Secretariat before the due date. No response will be interpreted as assent. |
DATE: | 2007-03-24 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
c/o Dr. Jim Mason, Chairman
From: The XML Guild
c/o G. Ken Holman
Dear Dr. Mason,
Further to our earlier discussions with you and other members of SC34, on behalf of the XML Guild I am requesting the establishment of a Category A liaison with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34.
The XML Guild is an organization of individuals and small companies working with XML and other markup technologies. The XML Guild provides mutual support, promotion of services, the sharing of best practices, and strongly advocates open standards for XML technologies.
We are proud how the members of the XML Guild are respected for their active contributions to the XML industry. Indeed over the years a number of members of the XML Guild have already been involved in the work of SC34 through other avenues. In particular this past participation has been through the International SGML/XML Users' Group, a former Category A Liaison to SC34 that has recently been disbanded.
We believe a Category A liaison with SC34 will enrich the work of SC34 through the active contribution of and effective communication with XML Guild members. We look forward to the opportunity to participate on a formal basis.
G. Ken Holman (on behalf of the XML Guild)