ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0860

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | Oslo 2007-03 Minutes - ISO/IEC CD 19756 - Information technology - Topic Maps - Constraint Language (TMCL) |
SOURCE: | Mr. Graham Moore; Mr. Dmitry Bogachev; Ms. Mary Nishikawa |
PROJECT: | CD 19756: Information technology - Topic Maps - Constraint language (TMCL) |
PROJECT EDITOR: | Mr. Dmitry Bogachev; Mr. Graham Moore; Ms. Mary Nishikawa |
STATUS: | Minutes |
ACTION: | For Information |
DATE: | 2007-04-23 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
TMCL Minutes from WG 3 Meeting in Oslo, 2007
For ease of reference, these minutes contain the presentation made by the TMCL editors, Graham Moore and Dmitry Bogachev, as well as the comments and decisions made during the meeting. Comments and decisions from the meeting are shown in italic text.
- The TMQL is not correct on many of the constraint interpretations.
- More prose description required and examples more useful and less abstract. rho to help.
- Are there any missing constraint types from TMCL Schema?
- scope
- otherroleconstraint (lost the player topic types)
- Extension mechanisms for things of type constraint
- Non-issue.
- Representating tmcl using tmcl
- Yes do it. As annex.
- conflict items
- one level is that NO conflict items returned. Tough on users.
- define conflict item PSI
- should we define the association type connecting a CI back to the bad boy constraint.
- in the rule where we define interpretation to define the conflict constructor
- Just do true | false. extension left to implementations.
- Do we need two names any more? TMCL Schema TMCL Rule?
- No.
- How is tmcl rule defined in a topic map form?
- Statement on effects of inheritance?
- No need as TMDM already says enough.
- List of PSIs is not complete
- remove from top of document.
- define inline inside templates.
- use tmcl:
- PSIs form needs rationalisation
- use tmdm styley.
- Do we really want schema reference?
- No.
- How do you create a collection of constraints?
- tmclschema topic type.
- relationship to constraints that form the schema.
- ctm representations and especially templates
- LMG TMCL Meta Model
- Type for constraint. Yes.
- GDM TMCL Meta model
- Agreement we need this.
- Style of PSIs
- done above.
- PSIs for CTM Templates
- SHALL get fixed by other fixes.
- All constraints must exist as constraint topics and not end up as 'briefer' annotations to types. e.g. IsAbstract.
constraint ctm:template grasrule($a) g1 isa gracons gracons iko constraint g1 interpretation "tmql expression" maybe interpretation octype is not enough, assert type and the other one.
djc isa disjointConstraint djc_includes_type( djc : djc_includes_type_constraintrole, person : jc_includes_type_typerole) djc_includes_type( djc : djc_includes_type_constraintrole, cow : jc_includes_type_typerole) djc_includes_type( djc : djc_includes_type_constraintrole, house : jc_includes_type_typerole) djc_includes_type( djc : djc_includes_type_constraintrole, plane : jc_includes_type_typerole) djc I "TMQL eval..." ---- possible implicit semantics for template. Currently used as scope identifier in ctm. djc isa....... djc_includes_type ( ...... @types : jc_includes_type_typerole) ----- disjointConstraint(person, cow) disjointConstraint(car, cow) disjointConstraint(house, cow) Lists. ctm:template expand($a, $b) tmcl:co tmcl_rule1 isa tmcl:constraint tmcl_rule1 ($a, $b)
- section prose topic type psi - topic_type is an instance of itself - constraint that anything used as a topic type that is not an instance of this is in error. TMCL Defines this: topic_type And to be interoperable you should use it like this: person isa topic_type OR ctm:template topicType($a, $b, ...) ttc1 isa tt_constraint $a isa topic_type OR Prose for declaration of intent as topic type topic_type ctm:template topicType(topic_type) any topics that are instances of topics that are not in this list are in violation. => this would be a real query. And same for Association Type, Role Type, Occurrence Type, Name Type, Name Scoping Type etc
-> they are just Topic Map statements, instanceOf, superclass-subclass
- disjoint constraint should be a list. CTM should fix this. Variable number of parameters to templates.
- that the tmql interpretation should actually be a function that is created and bound as part of the template invocation. Function returns true | false , conflict item
Fixes and Changes:
- Remove by example part of constraint def
- Put template first
- Template 'returns' a constraint topic
- interpretation should be defined in terms of the constraint topic returned.
- CTM templates must generate new topics from templates.
ctm:template disjointCostraint(atype, btype) => djc isa disjointconstraint djc_includes_type( djc : djc_includes_type_constraintrole, atype : jc_includes_type_typerole) djc_includes_type( djc : djc_includes_type_constraintrole, btype : jc_includes_type_typerole) djc constraint_eval_fn "blah blah $this ..." ctm:template disjointCostraint(atype, btype) => djc isa disjointconstraint djc_includes_type( djc : djc_includes_type_constraintrole, atype : jc_includes_type_typerole) djc_includes_type( djc : djc_includes_type_constraintrole, btype : jc_includes_type_typerole)