ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0960

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TITLE: | Liaison statement to SC29/WG11 from SC34/WG2 on defects of ISO/IEC 14496-22 |
SOURCE: | SC34/WG2 |
STATUS: | Liaison statement |
ACTION: | For information |
DATE: | 2007-12-11 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
Liaison statement to SC29/WG11 from SC34/WG2 on defects of ISO/IEC 14496-22
SC34/WG2 reviewed the published ISO/IEC 14496-22 and found the following defects. SC34/WG2 expects that SC29/WG11 will publish corresponding corrections.
1. ISO/IEC 14496-22 Annex B refers document "ISO/IEC 9541-5 draft",
it should be replaced by ISO/IEC 9541-1 Amd. 1.
- - ISO/IEC 9541-5 draft has never existed, it is misleading.
- - The most informations refering inexistend "ISO/IEC 9541-5 draft" are included by ISO/IEC 9541-1 Amd. 1 which is official released.
- 2. In clause B.4.2, IBM subclass "IBM Rounded Legibility" in the class "Oldstyle Serif" refers a specific design group in ISO/IEC 9541 Serifs::Legibility::Rounded (Traditional). This reference should be dropped.
- - IBM Rounded Legibility is a subclass for the typeface which is handtuned for medium resolution. ISO/IEC 9541-1 Amd. 1 defines the group "Serifs::Legibility::Rounded (Traditional)" as the typeface which is developed for technical printing problems, so the background is similar. But ISO/IEC Serifs::Legibility::Rounded (Traditional) is exemplified by Monotype TIMES NEW ROMAN, but "IBM Sonoran Serif" is exemplified by IBM Sonoran Serif, which is a modified version of Monotype TIMES NEW ROMAN. Therefore, the tuning of typeface expected by ISO/IEC 9541-1 Serifs::Legibility::Rounded (Traditional) group is insufficient for IBM Rounded Legibility subclass.
- 3. In clause B.4.4, IBM subclass "Venetian" in the class "Oldstyle Serif" refers a specific design group in ISO/IEC 9541 Serifs::Oldstyle Serif::Venetian. This reference should be dropped.
- - The specific design group "Serifs::Oldstyle::Venetian" is introduced as a group sharing characteristic shapes on "e" and "R". The subclass does not require the characteristic shape on "e", and the exemplification font for IBM subclass is Goudy which is not guaranteed to share the feature. There are several typefaces titled "Goudy". Some of them have the feature required by ISO/IEC 9541-1 Serifs::Oldstyle Serif::Venetian (e.g. all of Red Rooster Collection's "Goudy 38" family have the feature), and others don't have (e.g. Linotype "Goudy" family don't have the feature).
- 4. In clause B.4.6, IBM subclass "Dutch Modern" in the class "Oldstyle Serif" refers a specific design group in ISO/IEC 9541 Serifs::Oldstyle Serif::Dutch / English. This reference should be dropped.
- - The IBM subclass "Dutch Modern" is exemplified by Monotype Times New
Roman. In ISO/IEC 9541-1 Amd. 1, this exemplification typeface is
for Serifs::Legibility::Rounded (Traditional).
- - The specific design group "Serifs::Oldstyle::Dutch / Modern" in ISO/IEC 9541-1 is introduced as a group sharing characteristic shapes on "t", "A" and "G". IBM subclass does not require these shapes, and the exemplification glyphs for IBM subclass is Monotype Times New Roman which does not have these shapes.
- 5. In clause B.7.7, IBM subclass "Monotone" in the class "Clarendon Serif" refers a specific design group in ISO/IEC 9541 "Serifs::Square Serif::Monotone". This reference should be dropped.
- - The specific design group "Serifs::Square::Monotone" requires that the weight of serifs is approximately same with the stems. IBM subclass "Monotone" means that the stems are drawn by monotone lines, it does not mention about the contrast the weight of strokes and serifs. The exemplification typeface for IBM "Monotone" subclass is ITC Korinna, its serif weight is apparently ligher than the strokes.
- 6. In clause B.8.6, IBM subclass "Typewriter" in the class "Slab Serif" refers a specific design group "Serifs::Square Serif::Monotone". This reference should be dropped, or should include the comments on the character widths.
- - The relationship of the weights of strokes, stems and serifs agree with each other between this IBM subclass and refered ISO/IEC 9541 specific group, but the exemplification typeface of ISO/IEC 9541 specific group is proportional typeface ATF STYMIE. This difference is too significant, therefore ISO/IEC 9541-1 "Serifs::Square Serif::Monotone" should not be refered.
- 7. In clause B.11.2, IBM subclass "IBM Neo-grotesque Gothic" in the class "Sans Serif" refers a specific design group in ISO/IEC 9541 "Sans Serif::Gothic::Neo-grotesque". This reference should be dropped.
- - As the relationship betwen IBM Sonoran Serif and Monotype Times New Roman, IBM Sonoran Sans Serif is a typeface which Linotype Helvetica is handtuned for medium resolution device. The genuine Helvetica is classified as the subclass "Neo-grotesque". ISO/IEC 9541-1 typeface classification has no appropriate group to indicate the tuning for medium resolution device, this IBM subclass should not refer ISO/IEC 9541 "Sans Serif::Gothic::Neo-grotesque".
- 8. In clause B.11.7, IBM subclass "Modified Neo-grotesque Gothic" in the class "Sans Serif" refers a specific design group "Sans Serif::Gothic::Neo-grotesque". This reference should be dropped.
- - The subclass "Modified Neo-grotesque Gothic" is defined as a variation of another subclass "Neo-grotesque" that corresponds to ISO/IEC 9541-1 "Sans Serif::Gothic::Neo-grotesque". "Modified Neo-grotesque" subclass is defined to share characteristic shapes on "G" and "Q" ("Neo-grotesque" subclass has no requirement of characteristic shapes). ISO/IEC 9541-1 has no appropriate design group to share shapes which is characteristic in "Modified Neo-grotesque", therefore, the refererence to ISO/IEC 9541-1 "San Serif::Gothic::Neo-grotesque" should be dropped, if the characteristic shapes are the key feature of "Modified Neo-grotesque Gothic".
- - ISO/IEC 9541-5 draft has never existed, it is misleading.