ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0965

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | WG1 Recommendations of December 2007 Meeting - Kyoto Japan |
STATUS: | Meeting recommendations |
ACTION: | For SC34 resolutions |
DATE: | 2007-12-11 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
Recommendations of December 2007 Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34/WG1 in Kyoto
1. Liaision from SC34 to Ecma TC45
WG1 recommends that Murata Makoto, the new convenor of WG1, be the liaison from SC34 to Ecma TC45.
2. Revision of Part 1
WG1 requests Martin Bryan to create a revised FCD, incorporating changes needed to reflect recommendations in this document. WG1 recommends that, after electronic review of the revised FCD by WG1 members, the revised text be submitted to the SC34 secretariat for FCD ballot by national member bodies. The document will then be handed over to the new convenor, Murata Makoto, for maintenance.
3. Revision of Part 5
WG1 requests that Alex Brown submits the revised text for the FCD for Part 5, as reviewed during the WG1 meeting, to the SC34 secretariat for ballot by national member bodies.
4. Revision of Part 7
WG1 requests that the Editor of Part 7 to make minor editorial changes to the revised FCD for Part 7 reviewed in Kyoto, prior to submission to the SC34 secretariat for ballot by national member bodies.
5. Revision of Part 8
The editor of Part 8 is requested to prepare an FDIS text based the Disposition of Comments on the second FCD ballot to WG1. WG1 recommends that, after electronic review of the FCD by WG1 members, the revised text be submitted to the ITTF for ballot by national member bodies.
6. Revision of Part 9
The editor of Part 9 is requested to prepare an FDIS text based the Disposition of Comments on the FCD ballot. WG1 recommends that, after electronic review of the FCD by WG1 members, the revised text be submitted to ITTF for ballot by national member bodies.
7. Preparation of Technical Report for Part 10
Having noted the publication in November 2007 of a Working Draft for the W3C XProc: An XML Pipeline Language specification, WG1 requests that the editor for Part 10 prepare a technical report showing how this model might be used to provide the Validation Management functions required for Part 10 of DSDL.
8. Preparation of Part 6
WG1 requests that Rick Jelliffe contact the editor of Part 6 to determine how the STXPath subset of STX can be bound to Schematron (Part 3). These discussions are expected to result in a CD for Part 6. WG1 recommends that, after electronic review of the CD by WG1 members, the revised text be submitted to the SC34 secretariat for ballot by national member bodies.
9. Revision of ISO/IEC 9573-11
WG1 requests that the editor of ISO/IEC 9573-11 prepare a DAM, incorporating discussed changes to incorporate the needs of SC34 working groups. WG1 recommends that, after electronic review of the DAM by WG1 members by July, the revised text be submitted to the JTC1 secretariat for ballot by national bodies.
10. Liaison letter to W3C MathML WG
WG1 requests that Rick Jelliffe write a draft liaison letter from SC34 to the W3C MathML WG about entity sets for mathematics and science. WG1 recommends that SC34 send the liaison (with modifications agreed in the plenary) to the W3C MathML WG.
11. Cancellation of PDTR 9573-13:2004 (type 3) 2nd Edition
WG1 recommends that this project be cancelled.
A. Acclamation
WG1 expresses its appreciation to ITSCJ for the outstanding meeting facilities provided to its members in Kyoto on December 8th and 9th.
WG1 expresses its appreciation of the developers of the Oxygen XML editor for their active support of all parts of DSDL.
WG1 expresses its appreciation to Dyomedea in France and Eric van der Vlist for the support of WG1 through web site hosting and associated services.
B. WG1 Meetings Schedule
- 5th 8th April 2008 in Oslo, Norway