ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0969

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | Attendance list for December 2007 Meeting - Kyoto Japan |
SOURCE: | SC34 Secretariat |
STATUS: | Attendance list |
ACTION: | For information |
DATE: | 2007-12-11 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
Dr. Frederic Andres (Japan) National Insitute of Informatics 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku , Tokyo 101-8430, Japan Telephone: +81 3 42122542 Facsimile: +81 3 35561916 Email userid: andres Email subdomain: Email top domain: jp Mr. Dmitry Bogachev (Canada) PO Box 36, Milton, ON, Canada L9T-2Y3 Email userid: db3000 Email subdomain: mac Email top domain: com Dr. Alexander D. J. Brown (United Kingdom) Griffin Brown Digital Publishing Ltd. Orwell House, Cowley Road, Cambridge UK CB4 OPP Email userid: alexb Email subdomain: Email top domain: uk Mr. Martin Bryan (United Kingdom) 29, Oldbury Orchard, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2PU, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 1452 714 029 Facsimile: +44 1452 714 029 Email userid: martin Email subdomain: Email top domain: uk Mr. Peter Centellini (Sweden) Microsoft Finlandsgatan 30, Box 27 Kista, SE-164 93 Kista Telephone: +46 8 752 29 55 Facsimile: +46 8 750 51 58 Email userid: petercen Email subdomain: microsoft Email top domain: com Mr. Patrick Durusau (OASIS) Snowfall Software 2149 Conyers Street SE, Covington, GA 30014 Telephone: +1 678 625 0995 Email userid: Patrick Email subdomain: durusau Email top domain: net Mr. Yoshihiko Enomoto (Japan) IBM Japan Mr. Paulo Ferreira (South Africa) Microsoft S.A. (Pty) Ltd 3012 William Nicol Drive Bryanston 2191, PO Box 5817 Rivonia 2128, Johannesburg, South Africa Telephone: +27 11 361 8726 Facsimile: +27 11 361 8727 Email userid: paulo.f Email subdomain: microsoft Email top domain: com Ms. Reena Garg (India) Bureau of Indian Standards 9 Bahaur Shah Zafar Marg, Manak Bhavan, New Delhi - 110002, INDIA Telephone: +91-11-23230131/Extn: 4235,4401 Facsimile: +91-11-23237093 Email userid: litd Email subdomain: Email top domain: in Dr. Anneli Hagdahl (Sweden) SIS, Swedish Standards Institute Sankt Paulsgatan 6, SE-118 80 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone: +46 8 555 520 98 Facsimile: +46 8 555 521 76 Email userid: anneli.hagdahl Email subdomain: sis Email top domain: se Mr. Tony Hittema (France) AFNOR Email userid: tony.hittema Email subdomain: afnor Email top domain: org Mr. Hideki Hiura (Japan) JustSystems Email userid: hiura Email subdomain: justsystems Email top domain: com Mr. G. Ken Holman (XML Guild) Crane Softwrights Ltd. 1605 Mardick Court, Box 266, Kars, Ontario K0A-2E0, Canada Telephone: +1 613 489 0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489 0995 Email userid: jtc1sc34 Email subdomain: scc Email top domain: ca Ms. Yoko Ikeda (Ecma International) Toshiba Telephone: Mr. Naoki Ishikawa (Japan) Microsoft Mr. Akira Izumi (Japan) METI Mr. Rex Jaeschke (Ecma International) Microsoft 2051 Swans Neck Way, Reston, VA 20191-4023, U.S.A Telephone: +1 703 860 0091 Facsimile: +1 703 860 3008 Email userid: rex Email subdomain: RexJaeschke Email top domain: com Mr. Rick Jelliffe topologi Level 2, 73 Union St., Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia Telephone: +61 2 9660 8866 Facsimile: +61 2 9660 8869 Email userid: rjelliffe Email subdomain: Email top domain: au Mr. Robert Jolliffe (South Africa) Department of Science and Technology Facsimile: Email userid: bobj Email subdomain: Email top domain: za Mr. Brian Jones (Ecma International) Microsoft Corporation Facsimile: Mr. Keisuke Kamimura (RA 10036) Center for Global Communications (Glocom) International University of Japan Harks Roppongi Bldg. 2F, 6-15-21 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan Telephone: +81 3 5411 6696 Facsimile: +81 3 5412 7111 Email userid: kmmr Email subdomain: Email top domain: jp Mr. Young Shik Kang (Korea, Republic of) Korean Agency for Technology and Standards Information & Digital Tech. Standards Division, 2, Jungang-Dong, , Gwacheon, Gyonggi-Do, , Republic of Korea, 427-716 Telephone: +82 2 5097262 Facsimile: +82 2 5071924 Email userid: jungbo Email subdomain: ats.go Email top domain: kr Ms. Toshiko Kimura (Japan) ITSCJ (Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan) Room 308-3, Kikai Shinko Kaikan Bldg., 3-5-8, Shiba-koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan Telephone: +81 3 34 31 28 08 Facsimile: +81 3 3431 6493 Email userid: kimura Email subdomain: itscj.ipsj.or Email top domain: jp Mr. Shuji Kobayashi (Japan) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO, 100-8901, Japan Telephone: +81 3 3501 9287 Facsimile: +81 3 3580 8625 Email userid: kobayashi-shuji Email subdomain: meti.go Email top domain: jp Dr. Yushi Komachi (JTC 1 SC 29/WG 11) Osaka Institute of Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Technology 1-79-1 Kitayama, Hirakata, Osaka, 573-0196, Japan Telephone: +81 75 352 3547 Facsimile: +81 75 352 3548 Email userid: komachi Email subdomain: y-adagio Email top domain: com Ms. Hyesil Kye (Korea, Republic of) IBM Korea Prof. Jaeho Lee (Korea, Republic of) University of Seoul 90 Cheonnong-dong, Dongdaemun-ku, Seoul 130-743, Korea Telephone: +82 2 2210-2629 Facsimile: +82 2 2249-6802 Email userid: jaeho Email subdomain: Email top domain: kr Dr. Soon-Bum Lim (Korea, Republic of) Sookmyung Women's University Dept. of Multimedia Science, 53-12 Cungpa-dong 2 ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea Telephone: +82 2 710 9424 Facsimile: +82 2 710 9704 Email userid: sblim Email subdomain: Email top domain: kr Mr. Deepak Maheshwari (India) Microsft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd. Eros corporate Towers, 5th Floor, Nehru Place, New Delhi, India 110-019 Telephone: +91-11-46502222 Facsimile: +91-11-46502066 Email userid: dmahesh Email subdomain: microsoft Email top domain: com Dr. Philip A. Mansfield (Ecma International) Apple Suite 350 - 1190 Homer Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B-2X6, Canada Telephone: +1 604 682 3404 Facsimile: +1 604 682 3432 Email userid: philipmansfield Email subdomain: mac Email top domain: com Dr. Takashi Morimoto (Japan) Toshiba Dr. MURATA Makoto [FAMILY Given] (Japan) International University of Japan 2-19-26-404 Shukugawara, Tama-ku, , Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 214-0021, Japan Telephone: +1 81 44 934 8583 Facsimile: +1 81 44 934 8583 Email userid: eb2m-mrt Email subdomain: asahi-net.or Email top domain: jp Mr. Zacheus I. Mwatha (Kenya) Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) KEBS Centre, Kapiti Road, off Mombasa Road,, Behind Bellevue Cinema, P.O. Box 54974, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: +254 (0)20 605490 Facsimile: +254 (0)20 609660 Email userid: zimwatha Email subdomain: kebs Email top domain: org Mr. Motomu Naito (Japan) Synergy Incubate Inc. ORITA BLDG.2F, 1-30-22, Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0063, Japan Telephone: +81 3 5478 9901 Facsimile: +81 3 5478 9801 Email userid: motom Email subdomain: Email top domain: jp Mr. Dong-Sun Nam (Korea, Republic of) Haansoft Ms. Yvonne Ndhlovu (South Africa) South African Bureau of Standards Ms. Mary Nishikawa (Japan) International Meetings & Events Division, Medical Tribune, Inc. Nibancho TS Building, 2-1 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo , 102-0084 Japan Telephone: +81 3 3239 6611 Facsimile: +81 3 3239 7117 Email userid: mnishikawa Email subdomain: email Email top domain: com Dr. Sam Gyun Oh (Korea, Republic of) Sungkyunkwan University Myungryun-Dong 3 Ga 53, Chongro-Gu Seoul 110-745 Korea Telephone: +82 11 9894 6683 Facsimile: +82 2 760-0326 Email userid: samoh21 Email subdomain: gmail Email top domain: com Mr. Jean Paoli (Ecma International) Microsoft Corporation Mr. Park, Insoo (Korea, Republic of) Email userid: ispark Email subdomain: kats.go Email top domain: kr Mr. Steve Pepper (Norway) Maridalsveien 99b, N-0461 Oslo, Norway Telephone: +47 22805465 Email userid: pepper.steve Email subdomain: gmail Email top domain: com Mr. Shahzad Rana (Norway) Questpoint AS Box 359,, Strandveien 50, C-3 Etg., N-1326 Lysaker, Norway Telephone: +47 454 85 545 Facsimile: +47 407 71 740 Email userid: rana Email subdomain: questpoint Email top domain: no Dr. Istvan Sebestyen (Ecma International) Ecma International Rue du Rhône 114, CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland Telephone: +41 22 849 6011 Facsimile: +41 22 849 6001 Email userid: istvan Email subdomain: ecma-international Email top domain: org Mr. Michihiko Setogawa (Japan) Hitachi Systems & Services, Ltd. 2-10-70 Nanbanaka Naniwa-ku, Osaka, Japan Telephone: +81 6 6647 9465 Facsimile: +81 6 6647 9464 Email userid: setogawa Email subdomain: mac Email top domain: com Ms. Allison Shi (China) Telephone: Mr. Keld Jørn Simonsen (JTC 1 SWG Directives) RAP Postboks 144, NO-1556 Son, Norway Telephone: +45 33 22 65 43 Facsimile: +45 33 25 65 43 Email userid: keld Email subdomain: rap Email top domain: no Mr. Jesper Lund Stocholm (Denmark) Ciber Danmark A/S Mr. Toshiya Suzuki (Japan) hiroshima University Kevin Trainor Ligent, LLC 1445 Canterbury Lane, Glenview, IL 60025, USA Telephone: +1 847 486 8044 Facsimile: +1 847 486 0264 Email userid: ktrainor Email subdomain: ligent Email top domain: net Mr. Alex Wang (China) CESA Docbase Technical Standard Committee 5th floor, North Land Plaza, No. 81 Zi Zhu Yuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100089, P.R. China Telephone: +86(10)82331166 Facsimile: +86(10)8232929 Email userid: alexwang Email subdomain: sursen Email top domain: com Mr. Dave Welsh (USA) Microsoft One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052, United States Telephone: +1 425 705 6959 Facsimile: +1 425 936 - 7329 Email userid: dmwelsh Email subdomain: microsoft Email top domain: com Mr. Mario Wendt (Germany) Microsoft Deutschland GmbH Geschaeftsstelle Hamburg, Gasstrasse 6A, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany Telephone: +49 408722 6239 Email userid: mariowe Email subdomain: microsoft Email top domain: com