ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0970

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | Minutes of December 2007 Meeting - Kyoto Japan |
SOURCE: | SC34 Secretariat |
STATUS: | Meeting minutes |
ACTION: | For information |
DATE: | 2007-12-11 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
Kyoto Research Park 134, Chudoji Minami - machi, Shimogyo-ku Kyoto 600-8813, Japan The meeting rooms we booked are located on the 4th Floor of Building 1, East Area of Kyoto Research Park. Internet access will be provided in the meeting rooms. Room E: WG 1 Room F: WG 2 Room AV: (December 8, 11): WG 3 and SC 34 Plenary Room A: (December 9, 10): WG 3 0. Working group meetings start - 2007-12-08 09:00 - WG 1 starting time postponed until after the plenary meeting (per N0891) - WG 2 and WG 3 met during the morning (per N0892 and N0893) 1. Opening of opening plenary meeting - 2007-12-08 14:00 - Mr. G. Ken Holman expressed appreciation to Dr. Jim Mason for his 22 years of service to SC34 members as the chairman of the committee in its various forms and names - ITSCJ is new SC34 Secretariat - Mr. Holman introduced Ms. Toshiko Kimura as the new Secretariat Manager 1.1 Appointment of SC34 Chairman - Japan appointed Dr. Sam Oh of Korea as the chairman 1.2 Remarks of our host - JISC - Ms. Kimura introduced Dr. Akira Izumi of JISC to the group - Dr. Izumi offered a warm welcome to the attendees to the meeting 2. Roll call of Delegates - introduction by all attendees around the room - 15 national bodies and 50 people 3. Appointment of Drafting Committee - please submit documents to Secretariat Manager by Tuesday morning in order for the documents to be ready for Tuesday afternoon closing plenary meeting 4. Adoption of the Agenda: Document: SC34 N0890 Rev 3 - no changes 5. Chairman's Remarks - Mr. Oh addressed the group 6. Secretariat's Remarks - Mr. Holman addressed the group - overviewed transition of the office, documents and web site - will be redirected to - end of meeting reports 7. Reports of ISO/IEC Liaisons (Specific ISO/IEC liaisons will be added to the agenda upon receipt of written contributions to the plenary meeting) 8. Reports of External Liaisons (Specific ISO/IEC liaisons will be added to the agenda upon receipt of written contributions to the plenary meeting) 8.1 Ecma TC 46 - XPS - XML Paper Specification TC 45 - File formats - Liaison Document SC34 N0885: Proposal for a Joint Maintenance Plan for IS 29500 Office Open XML File Formats - Mr. Rex Jaeschke presented N0085 to the group - it was observed that page 2 of the PDF on line 16 has incorrect text reading "As prescribed by JTC Directives clause 13.13," when in fact clause 13.13 also provides for JTC 1 to keep the maintenance within JTC 1 if it so chooses - it was clarified to the group that should JTC 1 approve the project then it will arrive in SC 34 and the maintenance will be the responsibility of SC 34, at which time SC 34 can choose if it wishes to work with an outside maintenance agency or not to do so - it was noted that until it is decided if the project proceeds it is not appropriate to discuss the details of the maintenance 8.2 ISO/IEC 10036 RA GLOCOMM - Mr. Keisuke Kamimura addressed the group 8.3 ITU/T - project for the circulation of recommendation documents in XML following 9573-11 work from SC34 9. Reports of Working Groups 9.1. Appointment of working group conveners - appreciation was expressed to the outgoing working group conveners Mr. Martin Bryan for WG1 and Mr. Steve Pepper for WG3 - the appointment of Dr. Makoto Murata to WG1, Dr. Yushi Komachi to WG2 and Dr. Patrick Durusau to WG3 was ratified 9.2. Working Group 1 - Markup Languages (SC34 N0940) - Mr. Bryan addressed the group and presented N0940 - Dr. Murata addressed the group 9.3. Working Group 2 - Information Presentation - Dr. Komachi addressed the group 9.4. Working Group 3 - Information Association - Dr. Durusau addressed the group 9.5. Proposal from the UK to establish a new Working Group 4: SC34 N0917 - Dr. Alex Brown presented N0917 - discussion on this issue is deferred until the status of the DIS 29500 project is determined 10. ISO/IEC JTC1 Activities of Interest to SC34 10.1. SWG Directives SC34 N925-929 - Mr. Keld Simonsen - Mr. Simonsen addressed the group 11. Review of Programme of Work and Target Dates - Mr. Holman addressed the group 12. Review of SC34 Meeting Calendar - Mr. Holman addressed the group - considerations for upcoming meeting schedule and national body hosts - anticipating an invitation from Norway for April 2008 - anticipating an invitation from Korea for early October 2008 13. Other opening plenary meeting business - review attendance at closing plenary (proxy rules Directives section 9.1.1) 14. Working group breakouts - closing of opening plenary meeting - working group meetings - 2007-12-09/10/11 09:00 15. Opening of closing plenary meeting - 2007-12-11 14:00 16. Review of work accomplished since opening plenary meeting - WG1 - liaison to Ecma TC 45 - reviewed DSDL projects - cancellation of project on entities - WG2 - efficient and fruitful discussion - many texts produced for voting - liaison letter - WG3 - good progress on fundamental language - new work item - appreciation to Steve Pepper 17. Review of Programme of Work and Target Dates 18. Approval of Resolutions 19. Other closing plenary business 19.1 Mirror site - Mr. Keld Simonsen has volunteered to maintain a mirror of the SC34 repository by mirroring the new repository as well 20. Adjournment