ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC34 N0001


Information Technology ---

Document Description and Processing Languages

TITLE: Call for National Body Interest in P & O Membership in the new SC 34 on Document Description and Processing Languages (previously JTC 1/WG 4 - Document Description Languages)
SOURCE: James D. Mason, SC34 Chairman
PROJECT: All SC34 projects
PROJECT EDITOR: All SC34 editors
STATUS: Official call for membership
ACTION: For response by JTC1 National Bodies
DATE: 7 July 1998
REFER TO: JTC1 5448, Resolution 19
REPLY TO: Dr. James David Mason
(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 Chaiman)
Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
Information Management Services
1060 Commerce Park, M.S. 6480
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6480 U.S.A.
Telephone: +1 423 574-6973
Facsimile: +1 423 574-0004
Network: [email protected]

Call for National Body Interest in P & O Membership in the new SC 34 on Document Description and Processing Languages

In accordance with Resolution 19 of the June 1998 JTC1 Plenary in Sendai, the SC34 Secretariat is calling for P and O members.

Resolution 19 reads:

Resolution 19 - Disbandment of JTC 1/WG4 and Establishment of a New Subcommittee 34

Given the importance of the work currently being done in JTC 1WG4, JTC 1 disbands JTC 1/WG4 and establishes a new Subcommittee within JTC 1 (SC34) to carry out this work. This new SC will operate in the Technical Direction - Document Description Languages - with the following title and scope:

Title: Document Description and Processing Languages

Scope: Standadization in the field of document structures, languages and related facilities for the description and processing of compound and hypermedia documnts, including:

  • languages for document logical structures and their support facilities
  • languages for describing document-like objects in web environments
  • document processing architecture and
  • formatting for logical documents
  • languages for describing interactive documents
  • multilingual font information interchange and related services
  • final-form document architecture and page information interchange
  • hypermedia document structuring language and application resources
  • APIs for document processing

Requested Action:

Responses to this request for membership are due to the SC34 Acting Chairman, Dr. James David Mason, at the address listed above by 31 September 1998. Electronic responses to [email protected] are preferred. These responses will be considered at the JTC1/SC34 Plenary at Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. in November 1998.

In your response, please include contact information for your national body and who should be on the SC 34 distribution list.

Note: JTC1 has already issued a call for a National Body to support the SC34 Secretariat (JTC1 N5439).

Further information on SC34 is available at its site on the World-Wide Web:

If you should not wish to receive SC 34 information (for example, if you do not have a liaison relationship with SC 34) please inform the SC 34 Acting Chairman, and you will be removed from the mailing list.