ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0861

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | Oslo 2007-03 Minutes - WG 3 - Information Technology - Topic Maps |
SOURCE: | Mr. Patrick Durusau |
PROJECT: | 13250:2000: Information technology - SGML Applications - Topic Maps |
PROJECT EDITOR: | Dr. Michel Biezunski; Mr. Martin Bryan; Dr. Steven R. Newcomb |
STATUS: | Minutes |
ACTION: | For Information |
DATE: | 2007-04-23 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
Minutes WG3 - Oslo 2007 - Information Technology - Topic Maps
1. Scheduled 2007 Meetings
- 4-6 August 2007 in conjunction with Extreme Markup Conference in Montreal, Canada
- Kyoto, Japan (if there is an ATOMS conference) or Leipzig, Germany, 8-10 October 2007.
2. 2008 Meetings (Projected)
- Oslo, Norway, March 2008
- Montreal, Canada, August 2008
- Jeju Island, Korea
It is recommended that the Topic Maps conference in Oslo and TMRA (Leipzig) consider consolidation to create a larger conference. WG3 may consider alternating meetings between Oslo and Leipzig.
3. Co-Editorship for ISO 13250-1
Patrick Durusau is appointed as a co-editor with Motomu Naito and Steve Pepper for 13250-1 - Topic Maps - Overview and basic concepts.
4. Co-Editorship for Technical Report - Information Technology - Topic Maps - Expressing Dublin Core Metadata using Topic Maps, 29111
Patrick Durusau is appointed as co-editor with Dr. Sam Gyun Oh and Steve Pepper for Expressing Dublin Core Metadata Using Topic Maps.
5. Best Practice Rules for WG3 Drafts and Discussions
In order to facilitate processing of work items in WG3, the committee has adopted the following as best practices for activities in WG3:
- Document drafts and an issues list are due from editors 30 days prior to a meeting where a draft is to be discussed.
- Issues and/or objections from others are due 15 days prior to meetings where a draft is to be discussed. Objections should be emailed to the editors and to the [email protected] mailing list.
- Presenters are responsible for noting committee decisions and preparation of those decisions for inclusion in the minutes. Such decisions must be displayed to the group during the meeting to insure consensus. Such decisions should be supplied to the Convenor.
- New Work Items (NPs): Prior to adoption of NPs, requirements must be developed that have a substantial consensus among national bodies and a draft sufficiently complete to reach CD status within one year following adoption of the NP prior to approval of an NP.
- Editors are encouraged to post drafts online.
- Minutes must be published as soon as possible after each meeting.
6. 19756 - Topic Maps - Constraint language (TMCL): Instructions to Editors and Committee Decisions
7. 18048 - Topic Maps - Query Language (TMQL): Instructions to Editors and Committee Decisions
8. 13250-6 - Topic Maps - Compact syntax (CTM): Instructions to Editors and Committee Decisions
9. 13250-7 - Topic Maps - Graphical notation (GTM): Instructions to Editors and Committee Decisions
10. New Draft Due Dates
- 13250-1 - Topic Maps - Overview and basic concepts, draft due from editors by 2007-07-02 for the 4 - 6 August, 2007 meeting.
- 13250-4 - Topic Maps - Canonicalization (CXTM), draft due from editors by 2007-07-02 for the 4 - 6 August, 2007 meeting.
- 13250-5 - Topic Maps - Reference Model (TMRM), draft due from editors by 2007-07-02 for the 4 - 6 August, 2007 meeting.
- 13250-6 - Topic Maps - Compact syntax (CTM), draft due from editors by 2007-07-02 for the 4 - 6 August, 2007 meeting.
- 13250-7 - Topic Maps - Graphical Notation (GTM), draft due from editors by 2007-07-02 for the 4 - 6 August, 2007 meeting.
- 18048 - Topic Maps - Query Language (TMQL), draft due from editors by 2007-07-02 for the 4 - 6 August, 2007 meeting.
- 19756 - Topic Maps - Constraint language (TMCL), , draft due from editors by 2007-07-02 for the 4 - 6 August, 2007 meeting.
- 29111 - Topic Maps - Expressing Dublin Core Metadata using Topic Maps, draft due from editors by 2007-07-02 for the 4 - 6 August, 2007 meeting.
11. WG3 Resolutions on Projects
- 13250-1 - Topic Maps - Overview and basic concepts. WG3 instructs the editors to prepare a revised WD document for the Secretariat for processing. The Secretariat can expect the WD text by December 2007 and subsequently the CD text by July 2008, FCD text by December 2008, and FDIS by June 2009.
- 13250-4 - Topic Maps - Canonicalization. WG3 instructs the editors to prepare a revised FCD document for the Secretariat for processing. The Secretariat can expect the FCD text by September 2007 and subsequently the FDIS text by March 2008.
- 13250-5 - Topic Maps - Reference Model. WG3 instructs the editors to prepare a new FCD document for the Secretariat for processing. The Secretariat can expect the FCD text by September 2007 and subsequently the FDIS text by March 2008.
- 13250-6 - Topic Maps - Compact syntax. WG3 instructs the editors to prepare an CD document for the Secretariat for processing. The Secretariat can expect the CD text by September 2007 and subsequently the FCD text by February 2008, and FDIS text by August 2008.
- 13250-7 - Topic Maps - Graphical Notation. WG3 instructs the editors to prepare an WD document for the Secretariat for processing. The Secretariat can expect the WD text by September 2007 and subsequently the CD text by March 2008, FCD text by September 2008, and FDIS text by March 2009.
- 18048 - Topic Maps - Query Language (TMQL). WG3 instructs the editors to prepare a new FCD document for the Secretariat for processing. The Secretariat can expect the FCD text by September 2007 and subsequently the FDIS text by March 2008.
- 19756 - Topic Maps - Constraint language (TMCL). WG3 instructs the editors to prepare a new FCD document for the Secretariat for processing. The Secretariat can expect the FCD text by September 2007 and subsequently the FDIS text by March 2008.
- 29111 - Topic Maps - Expressing Dublin Core Metadata using Topic Maps. WG3 instructs the editors to prepare a new WD document for the Secretariat for processing. The Secretariat can expect the WD text by September 2007 and subsequently the PDTR text by March 2008, and DTR text by August 2008.
12. Virtual Working Group Meetings
WG3 directs Patrick Durusau, Acting Convenor, develop a proposal for virtual meetings of the working group for review by the WG.
13. Resolution of Appreciation for Hosting
WG3 expresses its appreciation to Bouvet, AS of Norway for the excellent meeting facilities for the WG3 meetings in Oslo.
14. Resolution of Appreciation to Ken Holman
WG3 expresses its appreciation for the service of Ken Holman as SC 34 Secretatriat and extends its ongoing invitation to participate in WG3 meetings, festivities and other activities.