The SCC's Roles and Responsibilities:
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) recognizes that their members are a vital human resource and it is committed to providing the appropriate infrastructure to support them. Policies and practices are designed to ensure effective member involvement. The SCC will:
- Provide members with an orientation to introduce them to the SCC and its policies, procedures and practices.
- Ensure that all members have access to a full range of training support and services.
- Provide opportunities that involve members in meaningful ways, reflecting their subject area expertise, knowledge, needs and interests.
- Provide open and effective lines of communication between the SCC and member.
- Supply information and documents to help members understand the rules, policies and codes of conduct involved in their duties.
- Maintatin member screening process that is clear and consistently applied.
- Recruit and accept members from a wide variety of sources.
- Acknowledge the contributions of our members both formally and informally.